[Salon] Why Israel Is Losing on the Diplomatic Front


Why Israel Is Losing on the Diplomatic Front

7 May 2024 by Larry Johnson 

WARNING UP FRONT — I am doing a video essay and there are some very tough, disturbing images. Proceed at your own risk. The following sample of videos show why there is a generational divide between the folks 60 and older and those under forty years of age when it comes to the question of the war between Israel and the Palestinians.

The vast majority of us “seasoned” citizens (Rush Limbaugh’s term for senior citizens) are still watching legacy television and cable news or reading newspapers. The under forty crowd rely on social media, such as TikTok, Instagram, Telegram, Facebook, YouTube, Rumble and BitChute. I am using BitChute to re-post the following videos because YouTube will not allow these images.

These are not lies or disinformation. The younger folk see these and get a true picture of the brutality of the Zionist state. And I want to reiterate, I am using the term Zionist. It is not fair nor appropriate to blame Jews for these heinous acts. Brave Jews such as Professor Jeffrey Sachs, Max Blumenthal, Aaron Mate, and Norm Finkelstein are in the forefront of sane voices condemning the Israeli Zionists for pursuing a policy of genocide in Gaza and the West Bank. And there are hundreds of Jewish students in America who are protesting Israel’s war against the Palestinians.

The first video is rather tame. It is a small group of Zionist settlers attacking trucks carrying humanitarian aid to the Palestinians. I can provide a half-dozen additional videos showing the same behavior in different locations in Gaza.

The next video shows why so many Palestinians hate the Zionist police and military. The Zionists are thugs. This is reminiscent of images from World War Two of Nazi SS beating helpless Jews in Poland and Ukraine for the simple crime of being Jewish.

Now it turns dark. These children, fortunately, survived an Israeli bombing, but they are visible scarred by the experience.

The next video shows a child who was not as fortunate as the two in the previous clip. This little one suffered massive second and third degree burns. For what purpose?

Last up, the grim image of a dead child.

Videos like these are inflaming around the world a hatred of Israel. It is important to understand that in the entire history of Israel, at least in the last 70 years, there has never been such a massive slaughter of Palestinian men, women and children. This is an unspeakable act and the world needs to put a stop to it.

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